


Apr 02 2011

April You’s a Fool Day (and other lamb chops)

Ah, April Fool’s Day.  April Fool’s Day is actually one of the most challenging days of the year to pull a legit prank because people’s awareness is higher than the average day.  As a result, my April Fool’s joke of 2011 was extra lame and came as a social media status:

Going back east next week for the birth of my daughters. Nervous/excited/everything. Would love to see people there so hit me up

Ha!  That was fun.  For the record:

a) I will not be going back to Philadelphia or any other part of the East coast anytime soon.  (If you wanted me on the East side of things this season, it was this trip or bust!)

b) There are no daughters to speak of.  Sleep easy folks.  1SKILLZ still has no kids and no baby mama drama.

c) I probably ask for people to hit me up more when I’m joking than in reality.  And it works!!!  Maybe I should just say something ridiculous when I need someone to contact me (i.e., “Finally got arrested!  That was a long police chase, somebody hit me up!!!”).

In any event, sorry folks, there isn’t much excitement I can bring to you.  But I can chip in with some quick hits that should have been available to you sometime in between that month people say “comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb…”

-I STILL hate LA rain… probably because it is the worst LA weather can possibly get.  Maybe I don’t mind rain on the East side of things because I know it can be a lot worse (RE: I will always hate snow).

-Work.  Sleep.  I only had the energy for 4 posts in March.  I work 50 hours a week (and that is assuming I go straight home after work… yeah, about that…) and rarely sleep more than six hours a night (which averages out to 42 hours a week).  To recap: I work at least 50 hours a week.  I sleep no more than 45.  I’m TIRED!

-But because I’m so tired, I never have problems sleeping.  In fact, my solution to insomnia will always be to work harder.  I hate the time lost to sleep… but I love sleeping.  It’s like reading a book (SN: I shouldn’t say that, since falling asleep while reading is one of my indicators towards calling it a night of work).  My dreams are getting more and more ridiculous.  But I can’t remember them well enough to tell you.  Do I wish I had a DVR for my dreams?  Would that be cool, or would that be utterly frightening?

-I lost an entire Saturday to NBA JAM (PS3 version), and it may have been the best Saturday I had all month.

-I’m going to have to introduce “How to Tweet” sometime this month… why were there so many high-profile tasteless tweets about Japan?!  Stupid people who get paid a lot makes me a more boring (but more appropriate) writer.

I’d say more in this space, but I’m not trying to talk about my CY team more than I have to.  That means that by the end of the weekend, I plan to write about the incredible month my team had, which appropriately ended with the most intense event we will ever have as a team (March MATHness).  See, I wrote here that it would happen, so I will actually write it!

In lieu of that piece appearing here, I will show some music videos by the Black Keys.  Why?  Because I feel like it. (And because I like bands that do fun stuff like having a movie trailer as a music video.  Because of this, I like them.  Also, because Frank deserves it).

“Howlin’ for You”

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“Tighten Up” (official)

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“Tighten Up” (Frank)

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