You know the saying about March? How it comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb? At this point, I’m feeling like the month of January needs a similar idiom, being that it comes in like Godzilla and goes out like Jay Cutler in the NFC Championship.
Not his fault the end of January sucks.
All football related jokes aside (besides the Pro Bowl, a useless late January football game in which the NFC went up 42-0 before halftime in a game they won 55-41), this month started big with the ringing in of a new year and my birthday and all kinds of fresh resolutions just waiting to be broken. By the end of MLK Day though, there’s really nothing to look forward to, except maybe your birthday or the State of the Union address. And let’s face it, when President Obama is calling on “Winning the Future”, it’s a pretty good bet to think that he’s looking for at least January to end.
Win the Future = FTW backwards!
My life in particular has been in a bit of a holding pattern. I was all ready and excited to deliver hot piping content to a browser near you, and in all fairness to myself, I released plenty for the people by MLK Day (check the calendar, it’s somewhere on the NU). But then I got completely out of rhythm, started dissing my laptop entirely, and wound up fighting a bug the rest of the month. As much as I like staying offline, it is proven to not help the fact that this website only gets comments in the form of spam.
A wide variety of spam, but spam nonetheless.
I do feel somewhat generous about sharing what’s going on in my life and my head (and will admit that I need to do more of it), so here is some update format:
-I’ve been back at school for three weeks now, enough time to grow a ten-o’clock shadow, yet “Will Smith” is still my second name. At this point, I’m reaching the point of acceptance: “What’s up Will Smith?” “…I’m good.”
-People do realize that 2011 is like 1999 right? The last normal year before the end of the world?? (Or before another ancient civilization’s future decree of apocalypse is rendered obsolete…)
-I want the words “fun” and “mature” to pop up in the same sentence more often, and not just as contrasts.
-This is the Networks UNITED, so I would be remiss to say my writing (for City Year, see Disclaimers if necessary about how I am not a representative of organizational views) wasn’t featured this month during MLK Day. I was part of a communication special forces unit, and our job was to use our multimedia talents to showcase the service work City Year LA did at Edison Middle School. HERE is a link to some flash reporting I did (includes photos! Since when do I take photos?!), and HERE is a recap blog that I wrote (I only take credit for the written content here, not the photos or videos)!
–Tracy Morgan definitely went the Astronaut Jones route when discussing Sarah Palin.
Go ahead, ask me what this tastes like.
-I have a ridiculous habit of being nomadic and adventurous for no reason other than to pass time. In the past two weekends, I’ve ventured to Long Beach (#1 Highlight: returning to downtown LA with an urge to get a library card), Burbank (#1 HL: a new shirt from Men’s Wearhouse, and I like the way it looks), Inglewood (#1 HL: Guessing correctly on what ink to get for my printer from Staples), San Diego (#1 HL: a tie between eating an urchin and walking past custom officers near the Mexican border), Santa Monica (#1 HL: deciding on dictionaries at Barnes & Noble, only to find that I chose a British dictionary), Venice (#1 HL: realizing that dark beaches is not a good leisure activity), and Culver City (#1 HL: the Wendy’s ringer mopping the floor and checking to see if the men’s room was sanitary before letting me in). All of these trips were on my own, mainly for two reasons: 1) I usually decide on my “plans” the moment of, and 2) I have never met anyone who can keep up with my pace.
-That’s it for now, but expect more from me, especially with the Super Bowl approaching Sunday (no cheerleaders!), the NBA season approaching the 3/5 mark, Dana Carvey hosting SNL for the first time in more than ten years, and my health allowing me to focus on other aspects of life, like the fact that I wrote a lesson plan on defining relationships. The irony (and the timing) is probably lost on you for now.
The Steelers and Packers don't have cheerleaders, marking the first Super Bowl ever without cheerleaders. After Janet and Justin in Super Bowl XXXVIII, this was only a matter of time.
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Holy Week Update »
04.23.2011 at 12:03 PM (UTC -8) Link to this comment
[…] This was the definition of a get outta Dodge type of trip, since my last random adventure was to San Diego. I took a midnight Saturday night Greyhound out of LA and got to San Jose 7AM Sunday morning. I […]