My brother had one of the best Facebook status updates of his life earlier this month, and with both of us severely deprived of Red Hot Chili Peppers material (they’re expected to end their longest gap between albums, five years, this year), he posted this:
“gonna give it away now under the bridge downtown or on higher ground while breaking the girl, but by the way, I can’t stop so knock me down.”
I was inspired by my brother to put something together to back him up on the Red Hot Chili Peppers tip, so this is what I came up with:
“Meet you at in
are showing
as part of
, which probably includes
. That’s
Ok, so maybe that was a little confusing. But I’ll end this post with “Dani California”, off of the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ 2006 album Stadium Arcadium. The music video is like a history of rock and roll slide show. The following eras are represented: Rockabilly (0:00-0:25), British Invasion (0:25-0:35), psychedelic (0:35-0:56), funk (0:56-1:20), glam (1:21-1:48), punk (1:49-2:02), Goth (2:02-2:14), hair metal (2:14-2:46), grunge (2:46-3:00), and finally the Red Hot Chili Peppers themselves.

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Self-Titled Album Track #10: Themesong (Parenthesis) »
11.18.2011 at 4:10 PM (UTC -7) Link to this comment
[…] drawn out references to the superheroes? The bass? The repetitive nature of the track? Well, I might have told you in a past life that the Red Hot Chili Peppers are probably my favorite band. The only reason I had a bass guitar is because I got bored just listening to Flea play and I […]