


Jun 20 2011

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice: The longest day of the year.

You all are probably thinking that I will drop a 3,000 word post because I have been AWOL for the last several weeks.  The truth is, I really should put down an all out gangplank of material.  All at once.  But it is obvious that although I am mentally strong and physically healthy, I am emotionally spent.  I like it this way.  And I am sure that all of the people who have seen me in the last several weeks (Seattle, all of my City Year Los Angeles graduates, especially anybody who has seen me since the ridiculous rooftop parties, my parents, etc.) understand that they got the best of me.  Exclusive time with 1SKILLZ!  Catch it while you can, right?

I might have lied about being “mentally strong”.  Strong implies that there is a complete absence of weakness.  My mind, as well as my heart, have been all over the place really.  Here, there, everywhere.  It’s another (bad) reason why I haven’t settled down to write.  I like to write a lot.  But, my audience can’t handle all of that.  (If it could, I wouldn’t feel so bad about all of this spam!)  I should have written about the Emerald City by now… but I’m not sure if I will.  Same thing with the NBA Finals. I put a lot of time and analysis into the NBA playoffs this year, and for the Miami Heat to choke like the 2004 Los Angeles Lakers (I’m sure Lakers fans remember that) against the old war horses that are the Dallas Mavericks?  There should have been a LeBron hater article out just for that.  But I didn’t have the energy mentally.  Poof, there goes the New Years’ Resolution.

Then there’s just the end of this idealist journey that was my second City Year.  I’ve never had to lead my peers this officially for this long.  I enjoyed every week of it.  Not every day, but most assuredly every week.  I don’t know if people realize how much I put into the last 10 months to justify the 12 months that preceded that time period.  Not blood/sweat/tears, but certainly a lot of time, love, and tenderness (shoutout to Michael Bolton).  I wrote way more in 2010-2011 than I did in 2009-2010.  Maybe I’ll post some of it here over the summer, but I was in the perfect city to go all out for 12 months.  I couldn’t do it in Philadelphia.  I needed a challenge.  So to be able to step away and finally reflect – and in a way that could never be confused as obligatory – I could never regret this experience.  The only thing I regret is that there weren’t more of me left over for this site.

Sorry… this site is in devo.  The NU will get there.  Summer’s upon us.  The longest day of the year.  The first day to the end of what made 2010-2011.  The perfect time to get right.  To learn what we’ve learned, and to plan the next immediate move.  For me, it’s my chance to rededicate myself to the things that make me who I am: time for new music (thanks Lil Wayne for pushing your album from the first day of summer until damn near the end… thanks so much, let the hype machine explode), the NBA draft (overshadowed by labor issues), the NFL season (overshadowed by labor issues), and to reconnect with my networks (currently boycotting social networks… so more like preparing to apologize for focusing on my life and not my computer).

…Or maybe it’s not time to figure everything out.  Hmm.  This post is getting long.  Sorry for Party Rocking.  LMFAO will release their album on time on the first day of summer, so they’ll take me out of here for now… until later!

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