The sun sets on another Earth Day, this time on Good Friday, and we are left to wonder if there will be another Earth Day. As you may have noticed, the world is supposed to end upon the arrival of 2012.
Look, I know Earth Day is supposed to celebrate the planet for all of its worth. But as the Blue Man Group so eloquently points out:
Things are getting real on this planet. Too real. So real that we might mess around and need a live action Captain Planet movie to capture how real it is. And you better believe that film would be rated R. For REAL.
Eventually, we’re going to need to start thinking of other planets to mess around and celebrate once Earth blows up (not that we’re going to be around for it, pending immediate technological upgrades). I suggest Venus in the month of March (Women’s History Month), and Mars… every other month of the year.

Of course, Pluto could always be invited back to replace Earth...
(For a look at my Swagriculture Earth Day articles from 2010, check this out!)
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Holy Week Update »
04.23.2011 at 11:57 AM (UTC -7) Link to this comment
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