
Monthly Archive: August 2011

Aug 27 2011

The 2011 NFL Hypothesis Report

Predicting sports is a lot like predicting the weather, if not less reliable. But meteorologists don’t get paid to tell you that it’s going to rain. I’ll share with you my picks, but understand that it is simply a hypothesis; a barometer if you will.

Aug 19 2011

By the Time I Get to Arizona…

Phoenix, Arizona. Because the moon isn’t available anymore.

Aug 14 2011

Touchdown/You ARE the Father

Maury’s been doing paternity tests on his show for years, and the excessive celebration is about the same as it would be on a football field without the threat of a penalty.

Aug 05 2011

Crap, My Brother’s Not a Teenager Anymore…

I used to be an only child. That all changed 20 years ago today.