I have been bracing for the end of the world for quite some time, and as a result I have not been able to write in a long time. I had no idea what was going on with this “Rapture” until I showed up for work Saturday morning. The sky is falling! The sky is falling! At 6pm, earthquakes will destroy the Earth and totally disrupt the Red Bull Soapbox Derby!
In case of world ending emergency, build a vehicle and take cover.
Well, Saturday came and went across all of the time zones. The world, for the most part, is still intact and nobody has been airlifted to heaven in mass quantities. Harold Camping, shot-caller of the “No”-pacalypse, will address his failed prediction on Monday. It is expected that he will profess newfound appreciation for Anita Baker’s 1986 album Rapture.
Enough of that business, you have come here to get an update from The NU. Here’s what I have for ya:
-Common was invited to the White House for a poetry reading, and almost immediately, some of his more obscure lyrics became FOX News’ justification for why he shouldn’t be anywhere around 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Sarah Palin even went out of her way to say that she wasn’t “anti-rap” and that she knew the lyrics to “Rappers Delight”, but that Common should not be performing in the White House. Okay… coming to a post near you: “Top 5 rappers that are allowed to perform in the White House”. Taking suggestions.
"I don't care how 'conscious' he is, don't let him read proper English in the White House!"
-My City Year team (I swear every time I mention my day job, I feel like I have to bring attention to my Disclaimer page) had perhaps our biggest community event all year, hosting a Potluck-Carnival at the Pirate Ship. I’ve been blessed with an incredibly smart and dedicated team. There was a cakewalk, a radio station came in to support, prizes all day, and several activities all around the green. And of course, lots of food.
150 hours < 1700 hours
-Our team has begun the final after school unit, focusing on role models. I’m trying to get Paul Rudd to come in.
–Saturday Night Live just ended its 36th season with host Justin Timberlake and musical guest Lady GaGa. Interesting fact: all of SNL’s hosts this season were white, the fourth time that’s ever happened and the first since the 1988-1989 season. In a related note, I’m going to get a Netflix account once I get a new place (need better Internet), if only because I’ll have unlimited SNL access.
-Don’t you need a torch in order to pass it on?
"It's time for us to represent"
-I have this ridiculous habit of creating at least one Michael Jackson spoof at every stop I make. This year, my team was up for PT (physical training) crew, and we turned power lunges into the Thriller dance.
-I said in the seventh season of the MADDSKILLZ Update (2009-2010) that I’d never risk my marriage for a cheap affair, as a direct response to Tiger Woods. Well, I feel like I have to restate my position after seeing The Governator manage to look almost as bad. Call me a fool, but I feel like I’d be too strong to let temptation bust up a marriage…
ESPN and SNL. Why do I enjoy studying chaotic workplaces?!
-I am very much looking forward to getting Those Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of ESPN by James Andrew Miller and Tom Shales. It is a 700+ page oral history of, you guessed it, ESPN, and if it is anything like Live From New York: An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live, it will be a must-have in my thin (but deep) library.
-So, May is Mental Health Month, meaning there are only ten more days until you can lose your damn mind again.
Hello nightmare.
-And finally, is there a more treacherous looking fish than the anglerfish?
I’m very much looking forward to my next adventure: I’m going to Seattle this week! City Year King County is graduating, and it’s going to be awesome, plus I’ll see some of the awesome people I met over the summer for the first time. I’ll hold you over in the meantime with 1SKILLZ-TV!
Coming soon to The NU: Close Encounters of the Third Kind.