Holy crap. Somehow, Earth is still here. As none of you know, we were bracing for the last Earth Day at this point last year. But it is April 22nd, and Earth has somehow been preserved.
All I can say at this point is that the Mayans’ stock has dropped off a steep cliff the last four months. That is, unless you’re investing in New Year’s Eve.
Without anyone to lead the ball drop, we very well might be celebrating the last Earth Day here on the native planet of, well, Earth. This is not a time to just think everything will be fine after these next 8 months!
Last year, we also thought Captain Planet was going to show up by now and assert his powers of environmental awareness and global unification and scare some folks into some kind of millennial responsibility. The results have been disappointing, and nonexistent.
Friends, Earth Day is a stark reminder that we don’t have many days left. 100+ days have passed in 2012 so far, but we still have 250+ more to go. Plans must be developed. Times are desperate. The globe is warming and shaking. Will we let the rest of the days of Earth pass like we always do?
If there’s one thing we do know about 2012, it’s that we better enjoy ourselves. You never know who will leave this Earth. And as we all found out at Coachella this month, you never now who will come back to Earth either. Don’t get comfortable.