
Monthly Archive: January 2012

Jan 31 2012

Red Tails is for Black People Without Role Models … According to This Guy

I’ll address my absence from the world (for the eighth time since 2010 apparently) another day.  And I don’t have the time or energy for now to go into this nonsense.  I don’t even know what to make of it for right now either. But apparently Rick Tyler, a Newt Gingrich minion, was on MSNBC …

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Jan 22 2012

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of January)

I’d rather feel good than look good, and I’d rather be cool than look cool.

Jan 15 2012

King Martin

The four main testimonies of Quakers are Equality, Integrity, Peace, and Simplicity – and there was not a better day to honor and celebrate those testimonies than Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Jan 04 2012

$0.25 Life Crisis

2012 is here, and I turn 25 on January 5th. Piping hot content will emanate from 1SKILLZ-NetworksUnited in the near future, as I have big plans for myself and this site this year. Until then, In God We Trust.