
Tag Archive: MADDSKILLZ Update

Nov 19 2013

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of the MADDSKILLZ Update)

The best of the best of the MADDSKILLZ Update.

Nov 19 2013

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of Season 7)

You’ve heard the saying that you can’t send a boy to do a man’s job … but a boy needs to step up to replace a man sometimes, and a son needs to step up to replace a father sometimes.

Nov 19 2013

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of Season 6)

Good things come to those who wait. Better things come to those who just take it.

Nov 19 2013

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of Season 5)

I know there is a restriction on how old one can be to run for President, but is there a restriction on how old one can be to become a genius?!?

Nov 19 2013

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of Season 4)

I stayed at a Holiday Inn the night before I moved into college, and I felt like a dumbass the next day.

Nov 18 2013

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of Season 3)

So Destiny’s Child (the all-star, the role player, and the other girl that can’t walk right) sang the National Anthem at the All-Star Game in Houston. First of all, how many mini-reunions are they going to have? Second, and this is unrelated to Destiny’s Child but I thought of it while watching them: I swear people forget the lyrics to the National Anthem while they are singing it, and they just hold the notes out long enough to remember them again. Think about it…why can’t someone just sing the damn song straight up? Because they’d forget something, that’s why.

Nov 18 2013

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of Season 2)

Why don’t child stars grow up? Because if they did, they would be adult stars.

Nov 18 2013

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of Season 1)

“(Pay attention, people.) I have skills. Mad skills.”

Dec 23 2012

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of December)

– (December 08) If every kiss begins with Kay, does that mean every kiss ends in “Why?”

Aug 04 2012

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of August)

-If you drink and drive, you may cost a life. But if you have a bike, and you dope and drive, you could win the Tour de France. (August 06)

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