
Tag Archive: Best of MADDSKILLZ Update

Nov 18 2013

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of Season 1)

“(Pay attention, people.) I have skills. Mad skills.”

Dec 23 2012

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of December)

– (December 08) If every kiss begins with Kay, does that mean every kiss ends in “Why?”

Nov 22 2012

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of November)

(November 08) I covered a College Republicans versus College Democrats student debate for my journalism class this month, and I’m wondering if there is a class at Cal U that teaches political sarcasm…

Oct 31 2012

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of October)

– (October 03) At my second SEPTA stop to school, there is a funeral home. The name of it is the Helen Waite Funeral Home. It’s a good thing they don’t have a slogan, or it would sound like this: “If a loved one dies, go to Helen Waite.”

Sep 30 2012

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of September)

(September 09) There’s a thin line between love and hate. And on every one of those lines, there’s a G-Spot.

Aug 04 2012

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of August)

-If you drink and drive, you may cost a life. But if you have a bike, and you dope and drive, you could win the Tour de France. (August 06)

Jul 31 2012

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of July)

In last month’s update, I defined what a hustler is. As an update to that, a diva is NOT the female version of a hustler. Divas are divas. Prima donnas. Female OR male. It’s an attitude, not an occupation. Diva describes how one acts, not what someone does. I can’t believe Jay-Z let Beyoncé get away with that. (July 09)

Jun 17 2012

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of June)

-I figured that there is a happiness equation. It is (what you have) / (what you want). In plain English, happiness is everything that you have divided by everything you want. For it to work, you can want everything, but you can only count the things you have that are relative to what you want. The higher the fraction, the happier you are probably. However, if you don’t want anything, you can’t be happy. Remember, you can’t divide by zero. (June 09)

May 16 2012

MADDSKILLZ Update (Best of May)

It’s Mother’s Day this month. I love my mom. She tells me little life anecdotes like “think outside the box”. The problem with that, however, is that some people think so far outside the box that they don’t even know where the box is.

Apr 15 2012

MADDSKILLZ Update (Worst of April)

That Encyclopedia Brown sure turned out to be a disappointment… (April 09)

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